Environmental Drilling
With an operational capacity of more than ten drill rigs, and an average of eight crews per day mobilizing to project sites across the southeast, Geo Lab Drilling has established itself as a reputable, trustworthy, and dependable drilling company. Our environmental drilling service capabilities are highlighted by sound technical practices of HAZWOPER certified crew members that understand the rigors of environmental site investigation requirements driven by financial institutions and ever-expanding regulatory standards.
Direct Push Technology
- Soil, Groundwater and Vapor Sampling
- Micro-well Installation
Prepacked Screens (RCRA Metals, VOCs, PFAS sampling) - High Resolution Site Characterization
MIP / LIF / EC-HPT - Chemical Injection Support Services
Hollow Stem Auger / DTH Air-Hammer / Wash Rotary
- Type II and Type III Environmental Monitoring Wells
PVC, Stainless Steel, Carbon Steel materials - Socketing Casings (4", 6", 8" and 10" DTH Air-Hammer)
- Mud Rotary and Rock Coring
- Remediation Wells
Air-Sparge, Soil Vapor Extraction, Injection Systems
Soil Gas Vapor Services
- Methane Monitoring Wells
- Vapor Intrusion Investigations
Sub-slab Vapor Implants / Vapor-PinĀ®
Helium Leak Detection
Vapor Sampling
Well Abandonment / Well Rehabilitation / Well Development Services
- Trimmie Grouting
- Chemical Descaling
- Mechanical Surging and Pumping